Science Chautauqua 2009 Series’ Science Coffeehouses
Sponsored by UConn Year of Science 2009*
Sponsored by UConn Year of Science 2009*
Charles Darwin: TheMan Behind the Idea
The human side of Charles Darwin is often lost in discussions of his work. What happened during the 23 years between his voyage on the Beagle and the publication of his seminal book? What was behind his struggles with his new idea? How can his humanity be conveyed through the arts? Join us for an evening of presentations, discussions and exploration.
Friday Sept. 18 at 7:00 pm
Starbucks, 1244 Storrs Rd.
Friday Sept. 18 at 7:00 pm
Starbucks, 1244 Storrs Rd.
A talk by Dr. Salman Hameed
Assistant Professor of Integrated Sciences & Humanities
Hampshire College
Readings from Timberlake Wertenbaker’s play
“After Darwin”
by acting students from the UConn Department of Dramatic Arts
Free coffee will be available
An open conversation of the evening’s topics will follow the
presentations. http://clas.uconn.edu/yearofscience/index.html
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